The Approved Plan
All 10 partners formally resolved to approve the ‘for governance’ version of the plan at a series of meetings held during November and December 2018. Following this a new and ‘final’ version of the plan was prepared. The final version of the plan is unchanged except for the correction of some minor typographical errors. To reflect the timing of its formal approval it is dated December 2018.
The approved plan will be used to help shape the Local Plans that the city, borough and district councils are preparing or reviewing. It will also be used to support bids for Government funding to deliver the infrastructure needed to support growth.
The final version of the Strategic Growth Plan is available for download below. It is published alongside the Sustainability Statement, a document that describes the plan making process, explains how the findings of the sustainability appraisal were taken into account and informed the evolution of the plan, and confirms the indicators that will be used to monitor progress against sustainability objectives. The Sustainability Statement is also available for download below.