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The Draft Plan explains the way in which we have prepared the Plan and sets out the broad locations where development might take place.  It also highlights the infrastructure that will be needed to deliver it.

The Plan will be non-statutory but we will use it as a basis for preparing or reviewing individual Local Plans, transport plans and economic plans.

The Draft Plan recognises that Leicester & Leicestershire will continue to grow.  Our population is increasing and we need more homes.  We have clusters of businesses, universities and research institutions that operate on a world stage.  There is a national and regional imperative to provide more homes and jobs.

But we also know that too much growth in particular locations, and insensitive development, is having an adverse impact on our local communities and on our environment.  The lack of essential infrastructure is also slowing the pace of delivery.

The Draft Strategic Growth Plan is our proposal for balancing these competing interests.

Consultation on the Draft Plan has now ended. The associated evidence base for the plan is available to view on the ‘Evidence Base’ pages of the website.

The Draft Plan and a summary leaflet are available for download below